All posts by Ivan Gusev

MySQL Incremental Backups on Windows

Making a full database backup is very easy with mysqldump . Details are available in this article. However, such backups are a heavy load on the database because they require a lot of space and take a long time to create. This is not acceptable for a large production database. Therefore, instead of FULL database backups, you can do incremental database backups.

Incremental backups do not contain all database data but only the data that changed since the previous backup. In this case, to restore the data, you will need the entire chain of backups. Continue reading MySQL Incremental Backups on Windows

Automating SQL Server Backups on Windows: Why You Need It and How to Do It

A backup is a copy of data taken and stored elsewhere so that you can restore it in case of a database breakdown. The most common causes of a breakdown include the following:

  • Hardware issue: The data in the database can get corrupted due to errors in the physical drives. However, it is not always physical damage to the server from the outside. Disks wear out, resulting in data read and write errors.
  • Software issue: As a rule, data is written to the database by a program, in which errors may occur and lead to data corruption after updates.
  • Human issue: A person with access might unintentionally damage the data. For example, they might delete data that was not supposed to be deleted. ​​
  • Hacker issue: If attackers infiltrate your system, then they will, first of all, encrypt your database and demand a ransom for decryption.

Continue reading Automating SQL Server Backups on Windows: Why You Need It and How to Do It

[DBMS-MSSQL:11006#11007] MySQL backup error: unknown variable ‘column-statistics=0’

The following error message:

[DBMS-MSSQL:11006#11007] MySQL backup error: unknown variable ‘column-statistics=0’

means that the version of mysqldump utility used by SQLBackupAndFTP to create MySQL backup doesn’t support the –column-statistics parameter (it should be older than 8.0.2). Continue reading [DBMS-MSSQL:11006#11007] MySQL backup error: unknown variable ‘column-statistics=0’