Here we are going to give you a short description of PostgreSQL string functions. If you prefer to have everything on one page, download our free PostgreSQL String Functions – Cheat Sheet.
Postgres String Functions
Here we want to highlight four main types of Postgres string functions: Conversion, Measurement, Modification, and Search & Matching.
Postgres String Functions: Conversion
ASCII – code of the first byte of the argument.
ASCII ('x') = 120 ASCII ('Ä') = 1234
Convert string to ASCII from another encoding (only supports conversion from LATIN1, LATIN2, LATIN9, and WIN1250 encodings).
TO_ASCII ('Karel') = 'Karel'
A character with the given code.
CHR (64) = 'A' CHR (1234) = 'Ä' CHR (NULL) = NULL
Convert string to dest_encoding.
CONVERT ('TEXT', 'UTF8', 'LATIN1') = 'Text'
Convert string to the database encoding / dest_encoding.
CONVERT_FROM ('TEXT', 'UTF8') = 'Text' CONVERT_TO ('Text', 'UTF8') = 'Text'
Encode / Decode binary data into or from textual representation in a string.
ENCODE (E'1234', 'base64') = 'MTIzNA==' DECODE ('MTIZAAE=', 'base64') = 123
Convert the first letter of each word to upper case and the rest to lower case.
INITCAP ('hi thomas') = 'Hi Thomas' INITCAP ('all in all') = 'All In All' INITCAP ('all_in_all') = 'All In All' INITCAP ('go2bed') = 'Go2bed'
Convert string to lower or upper case.
LOWER ('TOM') = 'tom' UPPER ('tom') = 'TOM'
MD5 ('abc') = '900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72'
QUOTE_LITERAL (E'O\'Reilly') = ''O''Reilly'' QUOTE_LITERAL (42.5) = "'42.5'" QUOTE_LITERAL ('"ABC"') = '''"ABC"'''
TO_HEX (12) = 'c' TO_HEX (42) = '2a' TO_HEX (023150) = '5a6e' TO_HEX (2147483647) = '7fffffff'
Postgres String Functions: Measurement
Find a number of bits in a string.
BIT_LENGTH ('J') = 8 BIT_LENGTH ('Ö') = 16 BIT_LENGTH ('jose') = 32 BIT_LENGTH ('JÖSE') = 40
Find a number of characters in a string.
CHAR_LENGTH ('jose') = 4 CHARACTER_LENGTH ('jose') = 4 LENGTH ('jose') = 4 LENGTH ('JÖSE', 'UTF8') = 4
Postgres String Functions: Modification
String concatenation.
'Postgre' || 'SQL' = 'PostgreSQL' 'Value: ' || 42 = 'Value: 42'
Remove the longest string containing only the characters (a space by default) from the start/end/both ends of the string.
BTRIM (' AB ') = 'AB' TRIM (' AB ') = 'AB' BTRIM ('=-AB-=', '-=') = 'AB' TRIM (both '-=' from '=-AB-=') = 'AB' LTRIM ('=-AB-=', '-=') = 'AB-=' TRIM (leading '-=' from '=-AB-=') = 'AB-=' RTRIM ('=-AB-=', '-=') = '=-AB' TRIM (trailing '-=' from '=-AB-=') = '=-AB'
Fill up the string to length by prepending/appending the characters fill (space by default).
LPAD ('ABC', 6) = ' ABC' RPAD ('ABC', 6) = 'ABC ' LPAD ('123', 6, '0') = '000123' RPAD ('C', 3, '+') = 'C++'
Replace substring.
OVERLAY('123' placing '-' from 2 for 3)='1-' OVERLAY('123' placing '-' from 1 for 2)='-3' OVERLAY('123' placing '-' from 2 for 1)='1-3'
Repeat string the specified number of times.
REPEAT ('Pg', 4) = 'PgPgPgPg'
Any character in a string that matches a character in the form set is replaced by the corresponding character in the to set.
TRANSLATE ('12321', '12', 'ab') = 'ab3ba'
Replace substring(s) matching a POSIX regular expression.
REGEXP_REPLACE('Pipe','p','-') = 'Pi-e' REGEXP_REPLACE('Pipe','p','-','i') = '-ipe' REGEXP_REPLACE('Pipe','p','-','g') = 'Pi-e' REGEXP_REPLACE('Pipe','p','-','gi') = '-i-e' REGEXP_REPLACE('24 h','\d+','00') = '00 h' REGEXP_REPLACE('24 h','\s','_') = '24_h' REGEXP_REPLACE('24 h','[\sh]+','?') = '24?' REGEXP_REPLACE('\abc','\\.+','*') = '*'
Split string on delimiter and return the given field (counting from one).
SPLIT_PART ('1,2,3', ',', 2) = '2'
Extract substring.
SUBSTRING ('12345' from 2 for 3) = '234' SUBSTR ('12345', 3, 2) = '34'
Extract substring matching POSIX regular expression.
SUBSTRING ('Regex' from '.{3}$') = 'gex'
Extract substring matching SQL regular expression.
SUBSTRING('ABCDE'from'%#"B_D#"_'for'#')='BCD' SUBSTRING('ABCDE'from'%#"B-D#"_'for'#')=NULL
Replace all occurrences of one substring with another substring.
REPLACE ('A-B-C', '-','+') = 'A+B+C'
Postgres String Functions: Search & Matching
Location of the specified substring.
POSITION ('om' in 'Thomas') = 3 STRPOS ('Thomas', 'om') = 3
Return all captured substrings resulting from matching a POSIX regular expression against the string.
REGEXP_MATCHES('1,2','(\d),(\d)')={'1','2'} REGEXP_MATCHES('1,2','\d','g')={'1'},{'2'}
Split string using a POSIX regular expression as the delimiter.
Return true if the string matches the supplied pattern.
'ABC' LIKE '_B_' = true 'ABC' NOT LIKE '_B_' = false 'ABC' SIMILAR TO '[ABC]+' = true 'ABC' NOT SIMILAR TO '[ABC]+' = false
2 thoughts on “Postgres String Functions”
Great site. Thanks for posting.
Great blog. Cheers for showing us.