Category Archives: sqlbak.job.cli


Command Line Arguments to Manage an Installation

Assume you need to clone your server and you have an image, for example, an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) in AWS with installed SQLBackupAndFTP Free edition. Once you deploy this image on several servers and apply your license key to activate SQLBackupAndFTP, that license key will be applied to all your servers. When you decide to remove your license from one of the servers, the license will be removed from all of them. Also, you can face the issue that the license will not work if you activate a license for one server on all your cloned servers. Continue reading Command Line Arguments to Manage an Installation

How to run SQLBackupAndFTP v11 from a command line

SQLBackupAndFTP runs database backups automatically and most of the users schedule it via windows interface/GUI. But you can also start a backup job manually via a command-line interface. One of the examples, when you may need it, is a complex scheduling scenario when the options provided in the program interface are not enough. In this case you may build more complicated schedule with Windows Schedule. Continue reading How to run SQLBackupAndFTP v11 from a command line