Category Archives: SQL Server

How to Backup SQL Database Automatically Using SSMS

If you are looking for a tutorial on how to backup SQL database automatically with SSMS just follow the instructions below. Note however that there are better ways to backup SQL Server database than SSMS. This is especially true when you are running MS SQL Server Express that lacks SQL Server Agent – just use SQLBackupAndFTP instead of the method below.

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How to backup remote SQL Server database using SQLBackupAndFTP

You can run scheduled backups of a remote SQL server using SQLBackupAndFTP. The standard BACKUP DATABASE command would not work on a remote SQL Server, so scripts would be the only option. Scripts are not as good as *.bak files because they are larger, do not support differential backups, and should be used only if you do not have an option to create *.bak files. If you want to know more – read a good explanation of why remote SQL backups are such a pain. Continue reading How to backup remote SQL Server database using SQLBackupAndFTP

How to backup Azure SQL Database to Local Machine

Being a managed cloud database Azure SQL Database provides built-in functionality for automatic database backups. It allows you to restore your database to any point in the past and those backups are kept in reliable geo-redundant storage. So why do we need other tools like SqlBackupAndFtp to backup of Azure SQL Database? This can be the case when you need to get a copy of your database locally, outside Azure infrastructure. In this post, you can find a step-by-step guide on how to backup the Microsoft Azure SQL Database with the help of SQLBackupAndFTP.

Continue reading How to backup Azure SQL Database to Local Machine

What are the most common backup strategies?

Choosing a database backup strategy is crucial because it determines how data in your SQL Server database is protected. You can read more about database backup strategies, but here we are going to present you some statistics on how SQLBackupAndFTP users backup their databases. The numbers are based on a sample of about a thousand users. Continue reading What are the most common backup strategies?

A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file

Making scheduled SQL Server database backups you can receive the following error message:

10/10/2016 11:32:40 Creating backup of Adventureworks to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup (full) 
10/10/2016 11:32:40 ERROR: A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\Adventureworks201610101132.bak:" 112(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105). 
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. 

Continue reading A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file

This BACKUP or RESTORE command is not supported on a database mirror or secondary replica

During the backup process, you can get different error messages, it doesn’t matter how you make SQL Server database backups. You can backup your database using T-SQL Commands, SSMS or SQLBackupAndFTP. Assume during the backup process, you receive the following error message:  Continue reading This BACKUP or RESTORE command is not supported on a database mirror or secondary replica